
About India

About Us
About India
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 Our Moto

“To reach the India with  the love of Christ by caring for the  spiritual and physical needs of those oppressed by poverty and despair.”

2011 years of resistance to the Gospel. Until Now.
Over a billian people. The fastest growing nation on earth. More than 2,500 people groups. Speaking 1,600 languages & dialects.

Why India?

Because India is hurting...
70% of the population is functionally illiterate.
80% of the population lives on less than $2 a day.
Over 740 million Indians live in rural, impoverished villages.
35% of school-aged children are not attending school.
The centuries-old caste system still condemns hundreds of millions of "low caste" Indians to a life of degrading labor and social invisibility.

 In 2006 there were 12.4 million orphans in India. India is home to the largest number of AIDS orphans in the world. World Bank estimates suggest that the number of children in India orphaned by AIDS is approaching 2 million.

Because India is seeking...
412 million Indians have never even heard the name of Jesus.
With 330 million objects of worship in India, Indians are looking anywhere and everywhere for salvation.
Superstition and idol worship have an iron grip — there is no forgiveness or joy.
In the face of such overwhelming physical and spiritual poverty, the Gospel brings power, hope, eternal life, and the way for a better life today.
India is where God is at work today.
Christian workers are  few but  missionfeild is big  in  India.we need more workers for india mission feild.
India's people are responding eagerly to bold witnessing.
Our partners share our vision to see India transformed by Christ, and that vision is already being realized.


Word of God says :- Rom 15:20 It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation. 21Rather, as it is written:
"Those who were not told about him will see,
and those who have not heard will understand."
Planting churches in Unreached areas (Hindu Communities)in Andhdra and Orissa throughout India, Training young and Interested people to become a Pastors and Leaders of this Computer generation, Bringing the Body of Christ to Unity and One Ness through Prayer fellowship revival meetings, Pastors conferences, Preaching and teaching, and visiting hospitals,jails and helping the  poor widows and orphans giving food and shelter, education, medicare and responding the natual calamaties like stunami, floods, fire, earth quicks,

We are here to reach every person in India with the message of cross by the Power of us to know more